2025 Rosalie Edwards Youth Music Competition

The Rosalie Edwards Youth Music Competition is open to middle-school and high-school musicians, ages 13–18 (strings, winds, brass, piano, and vocalists) who reside in Washtenaw County and are enrolled in Middle or High School (or the equivalent).

The Prizes

FIRST PRIZE: $200 (co-sponsored by King’s Keyboard House)
SECOND PRIZE: $100 (sponsored by SMA)
THIRD PRIZE: $75 (sponsored by SMA)

The Process

Preliminary Round Deadline: January 22, 2025. Complete both steps 1 and 2:

1. Submit an application and non-refundable $15 fee, by filling out the form below, or by downloading this form and emailing it to info@annarborsma.org.  Submit the $15 fee via the PayPal QR code above. The name and email of the person submitting the PayPal payment MUST be included. Applications must be received by January 22

2. Submit a YouTube link (maximum length: 8 minutes) to info@annarborsma.org. Students may choose their own repertoire; please include your name in the subject line of the email; also list the composer and title of your piece(s) with your submission. If your piece has an accompaniment, your video submission must include an accompanist. (NOTE: Your YouTube performance will only be considered if your application fee has been received by January 22.)

Finalist Live Round: Sunday, February 9, 2025, beginning at 3:00 p.m. Selected finalists will perform for judges at Northside Community Church, 929 Barton Drive, Ann Arbor, 48105. Participants are responsible for providing their own piano accompanist. Judges may determine that the March 5 concert will showcase two or more prize winners. Prizes will be awarded at the concert.

Live Winners Recital: Winners will perform on Wednesday, March 5, 2025 at 10:30 a.m. as part of the Society for Musical Arts Spring Concert Series at the Ann Arbor City Club. Performers are responsible for providing their own piano accompanist. (In order to be judged, participants must agree to perform, if selected, at this recital; and also attend the luncheon following, as guests of S.M.A. No additional complimentary tickets for the concert or luncheon will be provided.)

REYMC Application Form

Please fill out this form to apply online. Application deadline is January 22.

Application Fee

Click on the button below to pay the $15 application fee via Paypal.

Contestant's name:

Parent's name(s)