Sponsored by the Alumnae of Mu Phi Epsilon and Sigma Alpha Iota
Instrument: Woodwinds, Brass and Percussion
Qualifications: College-aged student, up to 34 years old as of the date of the competition and Ann Arbor or Ypsilanti resident or presently registered at the University of Michigan, Concordia University or Eastern Michigan University.
Awards: 1st prize, $1,000 and solo recital presented by the Society for Musical Arts in the 2025–2026 season.
Memorization is not required. Accompanists (where required by the repertoire) are the responsibility of the contestant. The length of the contestant’s performance will depend on the judgment of the jury.
The results of this competition will be announced by April 15, 2025.
The application process:
Submit the application form as well as a repertoire sheet by March 30, 2025, participants must submit the application form as well as a repertoire sheet, including composition titles and composers to info@annarborsma.org. Participants must also provide legible digital copies of the music scores for the use of the judges.
A single, unedited recording (maximum length: 30 minutes) must be uploaded to YouTube by March 30, 2025: the recording must be uploaded to YouTube with a privacy listing set to “unlisted” or “public” (whichever the contestant is comfortable with). The title should include the contestant’s full name and “Society for Musical Arts Young Artists Competition 2025”. The URL should be sent to info@annarborsma.org.
Your video should show your whole body and your instrument, with good lighting, in a landscape orientation of the camera. If you have an external microphone, that would be optimal, but not required.
The contest will not be held unless a minimum of 5 contestants competes.
Payment of the $25.00 of the non-refundable registration fee is required for your YouTube submission to be considered and must be received by March 30, 2025. This may be paid via PayPal through The Society for Musical Arts web-page, www.annarborsma.org.
In the event of no participant qualifies for an award, none will be given. All decisions of the judging panel are final. Previous recipients of prizes awarded by The Society for Musical Arts are not eligible.
All expenses will be defrayed by the contestant.
YAC Application Form
Application Fee
Click below to pay the non-refundable $25 application fee via paypal or with a credit card.
Competition Rules
The competition will not be held unless a minimum of 5 contestants compete.
Winners must supply a bio and glossy photo within four weeks of the conclusion of competition. The winning artist will be given a Competition Winner’s Contract for their solo recital for S.M.A. The financial award will be given upon completion of the recital performance.
In the event that no participant qualifies for an award, none will be given. All decisions of the judging panel are final. Previous recipients of prizes awarded by The Society for Musical Arts are not eligible.
All expenses will be defrayed by the contestant, including the engagement of accompanists.